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Chinese translation for "animal abuse"


Related Translations:
commission on drug abuse in youth:  青年吸毒问题委员会
bovine animal:  牛属动物牛只
preying animal:  掠食动物
subterranean animal:  地下动物
animal drawn:  畜力牵引的
animal form:  兽化
sensitized animal:  致敏动物
cage animals:  将动物关在笼子
animal industry:  畜产业畜牧经营畜牧业
feral animal:  未驯服的动物野化家畜
Example Sentences:
1.The government has proposed heavier penalties on animal abuse in april this year
2.Enright , 61 , who was arrested for investigation of animal abuse , denied mistreating the birds
3.Don ' t post videos showing dangerous or illegal acts , like animal abuse , drug abuse , or bomb making
4.Animals asia foundation represents the animal welfare supporters all over the world , supporting the government in protecting wild and domestic animals and in formulating legislations against animal abuse and cruelty
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